This is why I’m a teacher

Posted Nov 4, 2016


I love that every day is different. The kids make me laugh, and I think if you can make children laugh and they know you believe in them, and you really do believe in them, they’ll do whatever you ask. You can tell them, “You’re amazing,” but you have to show them that they’re amazing and you have to show them how great they are. They’re just amazing. And some days you just don’t love your job, and you go home. Yesterday I went home and I was not loving my job because I felt inundated with paperwork and I was all stressed out. I was thinking, “Why am I a teacher?” I’m sorting through my papers and this letter falls out. I can’t even read it to you. I’ll let you read it.

I do a letter at the beginning of the year explaining why I’m a teacher and how excited I am to meet each one of them and how much I love reading. They are supposed to write a letter back explaining who they are and what they need for me to know and about their families. So this was a letter a boy had written at the beginning of the year, he’d been sick so he turned it in late; and I’m crying.

So you get reminded on a regular basis of why you do this job. He’s so excited to come to school and hear stories, and he’s excited to read with me. He is excited every morning when he wakes up and shows up at the door ready to go. His letter was amazing and it came at the best time. It was so random; it fell out of this stack of papers. I was so overwhelmed and then…this is why I’m a teacher.

