I’m an ABC Buddy

Posted Jan 5, 2018

I’m an ABC Buddy for a kindergartner. It’s kind of like a tutor. We help them with their ABCs. There’s like this packet of letters and they have to trace them and say the letters. We do it every day in the morning before the announcements.

One day my buddy got through all of his ABCs. When we started he could barely get to H.

What’s your secret to helping him?

I don’t know. I just say, “If you want to get better, we need to practice more.” When he graduates from his ABCs, we’ll work on reading.

We just celebrated New Year’s. Do you have any resolutions or did you set any goals?

To get my ABC buddy to graduate. That would be pretty good.

What do you enjoy doing outside of school?

Fishing. This Christmas break we went offshore. I went with my grandpa and my brother. We got there early in the morning, and it was like pitch black and we were going on the waves. It took about an hour and 30 minutes to get where we were going. We caught a lot of fish that day – black sea bass and spiny dogfish. I had the same piece of sea bass and I caught like five dogfish on it.

Why do you like fishing?

Because my grandpa loves it. The first time I went on a boat was when I was 3 years old. We went out 11 miles. I like when it’s flat and we go 30 miles per hour. That’s really fast for a boat. That’s like all the way down.

And my dad works for the fire department in Portsmouth. I remember when I was young we would go to the firehouse and we would ride the fire trucks around the neighborhood. We would put on his fire clothes and they would be too big.

Last night he worked all night and came home just in time to take me to the bus stop because it was so cold.

